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학술지 Fabrication of a Large-Area Hierarchical Structure Array by Combining Replica Molding and Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Etching
Cited 10 time in scopus Download 2 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
이봉국, 백인복, 이병준, 김약연, 장원익, 윤용선, 유한영
Advanced Materials Interfaces, v.2 no.11, pp.1-8
15MC3100, 정신 질환의 모니터링 및 징후 예측을 위한 피부 부착형 센서 모듈 개발, 김승환
A novel approach to produce a large-area hierarchical structure array is presented. The method combines replica molding and atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) etching processes. Liquid blends consisting of siliconized silsesquioxane acrylate (Si-SSQA), polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate (PEGDMA), and photoinitiator are used as roughness formable materials during APP etching. Microstructures composed of the Si-SSQA/PEGDMA mixtures are fabricated by replica molding. Nanoroughness is realized on the microstructures by argon/oxygen (Ar/O2) APP etching in air. The nanoroughness on molded microstructures is efficiently controlled by varying the weight ratio of Si-SSQA to PEGDMA and the etching time. The hierarchical structures fabricated by combining replica molding and Ar/O2 APP etching show superhydrophilicity with a long-term stability, resulting in the formation of hydroxyl-terminated silicon oxide layer with the reorientation limit. On the other hand, the hierarchical structures treated with a perfluorinated self-assembled monolayer (SAM) show increased the water contact angles of up to 161째 depending on the morphology of the hierarchical structures. The increment of water contact angles is consistent with increment of the nano-/microroughness of hierarchical structures. A combinational approach of replica molding and atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) etching in air is presented to fabricate hierarchical structures. Using this approach, which offers potential for very large-area production, regularly arrayed hierarchical structures with superhydrophilicity or superhydrophobicity are successfully created on solid surfaces. Their surface properties are easily controlled by the etching time and the concentration of siliconized silsesquioxane acrylate.
KSP 제안 키워드
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma, Contact angle(CA), Long-Term Stability, Nano-, Novel approach, Oxide layer, Plasma Etching, Poly (ethylene glycol)(PEG), Polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate, Silicon oxide, Solid surfaces