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학술대회 Semantic Service Discovery and Matching for Semi-Automatic Service Mashup
Cited 4 time in scopus Download 1 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
박유미, 유현경, 허신영, 배현주, 정유철
International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) 2015, pp.332-337
14MS7200, Giga Midea 기반 Tele-experience 서비스 SW플랫폼 기술 개발, 최완
A service mashup goes through several processes, which it takes much time and efforts for developers to mashup of many heterogeneous web services. To mitigate the complexity of a service mashup and automate the mashup process, the present paper proposes semantic service discovery and matching technologies. The semantic service discovery technology is capable of finding out more appropriate and ranked services with a given query, and the semantic service matching technology enables searching for compatible and interoperable services automatically across a number of heterogeneous web services. The semantic service discovery and matching technologies are based on the service ontology and service metadata that play important roles in relieving the semantic gap between a user's natural query and the technical service description. To verify the usability and effectiveness of the proposed technologies on this environment, experiments and simple use cases are shown. The results indicate that the proposed technologies help developers create new mashup applications more effectively and conveniently.
KSP 제안 키워드
Interoperable services, Matching technology, Semi-Automatic, Service description, Service mashup, Service ontology, Use Cases, WEB SERVICES, semantic gap, semantic service discovery, semantic service matching