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학술대회 Open Software Architecture for Multiservice Switching System
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박호진, 최영일, 이병선, 전경표
International Conference on Networking (ICN) 2001 (LNCS 2094), pp.380-389
01MT1400, 개방형 멀티서비스 통합교환시스템, 전경표
To meet the rigorous demands of today's fast-moving telecommunication environment, every carriers want to deploy new services smoothly with minimal impact on the underlying infrastructure. Also it is necessary to create an open environment that enables the deployment of multivendor switching systems with optimum functionality and performance. The MSF(Multiservice Switching Forum) is an industrial forum to develop the network infrastructure that meets the above requirements. The MSF has been focusing on reaching and promoting consensus on the implementation of MSS(Multiservice Switching System) that realizes the vision of multiservice switching and defines a set of open intra-switching system interfaces. In this paper, we review the system architecture and characteristics of the MSS based on MSF architecture. We propose the open software architecture for the implementation of the MSS, the control scenarios for ATM SVC(Switched virtual Connection) service and management functions in the software architecture. The environment for software development is also considered.
KSP 제안 키워드
Control scenario, Open Software, System architecture, System interface, Virtual connection, management function, network infrastructure, service management, software architecture, software development, switching system