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Conference Paper Performance measure and analysis of large TCP window effect in broadband network including GEO satellite network
Cited 2 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Dong Joon Choi, Nae Soo Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications (HSNMC) 2002, pp.388-391
Conference Paper
TCP is the most commonly used transport protocol in the Internet. It was initially developed under the assumption that TCP would be used on terrestrial network. However GEO satellite network has some dominant characteristics - long round trip time (the typical long fat network: LFN), channel errors etc. Lots of mechanisms and algorithms have been proposed to improve the TCP in satellite network. TCP window scale option for large TCP window is one of the solutions to improve TCP performance in the long delay networks that include GEO satellite network. The use of large TCP windows in long delay network improves the throughput up to about 90% of theoretically maximum. But the large TCP window generates the burst traffic in short time. Especially in the case of the heterogeneous network that is composed of different physical media and different link-layer control protocols, there are serious packet losses in the intermediate router due to burst traffic. To avoid this situation, we tried two possible solutions. One is to increase buffer size of intermediate routers and the other is to shape the burst traffic of TCP source. We could get the throughput of about 95Mbps that is 95% of the throughput without satellite delay when we used traffic shaping at TCP source.