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Conference Paper A Fast ACELP Codebook Search Method
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Kyung Jin Byun, Hee Bum Jung, Minsoo Hahn, Kyung Soo Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP) 2002, pp.422-425
Conference Paper
The ACELP coding algorithm has been widely adopted in standard speech coders due to the advantages of codebook storage and the efficient search scheme. Especially, the focused search and the depth first tree search are very efficient methods dramatically reducing the search complexity while providing a good sub optimal solution. In this paper, we propose a fast algebraic codebook search method which improves the depth first tree search method. The proposed method reduces the search complexity by pruning the trees which are less possible to be selected as an optimum excitation. This method needs no additional computation for the selection of trees to be pruned and reduce the computational complexity considerably compared with the original depth first tree search method with very slight degradation of speech quality. We also implemented a GSM EFR codec chosen as an example to examine our method on the 16 bit fixed-point DSP.
KSP Keywords
Codebook Storage, Codebook search, Computational complexity, Fixed-point, Optimal Solution, Tree search, coding algorithm, efficient search, search complexity, search method, speech quality