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Conference Paper ESES/signature and its applications for secure data exchange
Cited 2 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Jae Seung Lee, Ki Young Moon, Seung Won Sohn
Issue Date
International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications (IWSOC) 2002, pp.45-50
Conference Paper
More and more devices including PCS PDAs, mobile phones, and various kinds of appliances are being connected the network and many people are trying to use them for network applications such as eenmmerce. One of the most important requirements for a network application is the security of data exchanged through the network. XML has been widely ampted as a standard format for data exchange in Internet and security mechanisms for XML documents and messages must be provided in the first place. The security mechanisms have to be Implemented in Java since Java technology has been adopted for various kinds of platforms including PCs, PDAs and many networked appliances. ESWSignalnre is a major subsystem of ESES (ETRI Seurre E-Commerce Services) developed by ETRI, and provides scuvity services such BS authentication. non-repudiation and integrity for XML documents and messages for network applications. It has been developed based on XML Signature speeifcations standardized hy W3C and IETF, and integrated into network applications including eammerce services. Since it has been implemented io Java, it can be ported easily to various kinds of devices including small devices and networked appliances. In this paper, we propose a design for XML Signature and we explain our implementation, ESESISignaiore. We also explain how we apply the ESWSignature to applications that require xcure data exchanges.
KSP Keywords
Electronic commerce(E-Commerce), Network applications, Non-repudiation, Secure Data Exchange, Security of data, Small devices, XML documents, XML signature, mobile phone, security mechanism