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Conference Paper Two-Step Detection Algorithm in a HVS-Based Blind Watermarking of Still Images
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Yong C. Kim, Byeong C. Choi
Issue Date
International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW) 2002 (LNCS 2613), v.2613, pp.235-248
Conference Paper
In this paper, we propose a DCT-bascd blind watermarking system, with detection performed in a two-step algorithm. In embedding, each bit is inserted in a PN spreading pattern in 12 positions of DCT coefficients of an 8x8 block. The watermark gain, a, is optimized in robustness and invisibility. In detection process, a preliminary decision is obtained by correlation matching and then verified by choosing the more similar spreading pattern with the restored one. Most of bit errors are corrected in verificiation process. The poposed method has been tested for several test images, with attacks including lowpass/median filtering and JPEG compression, but excluding geometrical RST attacks. After verificiation, BER reduces to 0.5% with no attack. Even under heavey JPEG compression, BER stays lower than 9%. Compared with other methods, the proposed method is better in watermark detection and far exceeds others in watermark size. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.
KSP Keywords
Blind watermarking, Correlation matching, DCT coefficients, Detection algorithm, Jpeg Compression, Median Filtering, Step Detection, Still image, bit error, detection process, two-step algorithm