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Conference Paper Estimating Social Tie Strength for Autonomous D2D Collaborations
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Jang-Ho Choi, Dong-oh Kang, Joonyoung Jung, Changseok Bae
Issue Date
International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT) 2014, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
Project Code
14MS9200, Human Friendly Devices(Skin Patch, Multi-modal Surface) and Device Social Framework Technology, Chang Seok Bae
With the new paradigm, Internet of Things, devices are now able to share services and resources generating higher level of services. However, the management and configuration of the smart devices are often troublesome, interrupting user’s primary task. To automate the process of device collaboration, smart devices should be able to configure and manage themselves, self-identifying peer devices and their relationships. Hence, we proposed the concept of device sociality, which describes social relationship between devices. In device social network with device sociality, devices are able to detect peer devices and determine resources and services to share. To derive device sociality, we investigated social relationships between users and analyzed correlations between online social interactions and social relationships. Moreover, we also investigated social ties in terms of interaction direction, individual peculiarity, and network topology. In the experiment, we not only derived directional and individualized social affinity models, but also detected organizational structure and groups of the participants, confirming the potential of D2D collaboration.
KSP Keywords
Device Sociality, Interaction direction, Internet of thing(IoT), Network topology, Organizational structure, Smart devices, Social Relationship, Social tie strength, Social ties, social interaction, social network(SN)