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Conference Paper A Synchronization method for Real Time Surround Display using Clustered Systems
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Jeong-Dan Choi, Ki-Jong Byun, Byung-Tae Jang, Chi-Jeong Hwang
Issue Date
International Conference on Multimedia (MM) 2002, pp.259-262
Conference Paper
This note describes a synchronization method for use of the multi-channel display and the associated clustered PC rendering systems, within multi user Virtual Reality online games with real time frame rates. It provides a real time surround game display to render the very complex 3D graphics objects. Our system is composed of Multi-channel Distributor, and Visualization Clients. Visual client system can be connected to multi monitors or projectors. With Multi-channel distributor, an application can be configured, at runtime, to span any number of visuals to makeup a complete surround and to manage the user game event. All visualization clients produced are frame synchronized to ensure visual uniformity. However, tightly synchronized PC cluster may cause a draw back in its rendering speed. So, we propose a dual scene graph management method to adaptively synchronize. One scene graph is conventionally organizes and control the rendering of its constituent objects. And the other is spatially grouping on the geometric objects found at the edge of two adjacent channels between of the clustered PCs and or not. In this paper describes the method of a construction dual-scene graph based clustered rendering system for scalable display in order to generate high-resolution images at real time frame rates. And also we are planning to develop a multi-projector display system which calibrates itself automatically regardless its shape of display surface and which provides a user with a seamless game display. Our results are well suited for surround 3D game displays such as multi-projector or multi-monitor running on a PC cluster.
KSP Keywords
3D Game, 3D Graphics, Display System, Graph management, Graph-based, Multi-projector display, PC cluster, Real-Time, Rendering speed, Scalable display, Scene graph