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Conference Paper An XMT API for Generation of the MPEG-4 Scene Description
Cited 3 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Ye Sun Joung, Kyu Heon Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Multimedia (MM) 2002, pp.307-310
Conference Paper
Interactive broadcasting is now considered as a next generation broadcasting service, which covers territorial, mobile and wireless terminals. In interactive broadcasting, viewers not only watch the broadcasting programs but also pass their requirements to program providers. In order to represent this interactivity, it is considered that the MPEG-4 is a well-adopted standard because of its object-based scene description scheme, which is in the binary (BIFS) and textual (XMT) formats. This paper describes the XMT API that can generate, manipulate and translate an XML document for the interactive broadcasting content description, and also introduce an authoring system based on the provided the XMTAPI. Since the XMT is a textual format, content authors can easily exchange contents with other creators, applications and tools. This exchangeability of the XMT makes that authors can create interactive broadcasting contents more efficiently and rapidly. Therefore, our XMT API becomes core component module for developing interactive broadcasting contents.
KSP Keywords
Broadcasting contents, Interactive broadcasting, Mpeg-4, Object-based, XML documents, component module