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Conference Paper GNSS Interference Signal Generation Scenario for GNSS Interference Verification Platform
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Seongkyun Jeong, Chen Sig Sin
Issue Date
International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) 2015, pp.1363-1365
Conference Paper
Project Code
15MR2400, Development of Verification Paltform Technologies for GNSS Signal Interference, Sin Cheon Sig
GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) is used in various fields. Because the strength of GNSS signal is very weak on Earth surface, GNSS signal is easy to be disturbed by interference. For increasing the GNSS signal stability and availability, various mitigation methods and analysis of interference are studied. As these situation, it is necessary the standard platform to assist the interference mitigation studies and analyze receiver properties and interference effect. ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) is developing GNSS Interference Signal Verification Platform. This platform generates interference signal and measures the receiver properties influenced by interference. Using the measurement result and signal propagation model, this platform analyzes the effect of interference. GNSS Interference Signal Verification Platform consists of GNSS Interference Signal Generation Equipment, GNSS Interference Signal Measurement Equipment, and GNSS Interference Propagation Model. This paper introduces GNSS Interference Signal Verification and describes the generation signal types which are jamming and spoofing interference. Finally we make the interference signal generation scenario for GNSS Interference Signal Generation Equipment. This scenario reflects the purpose and usage of GNSS Interference Signal Verification Platform.
KSP Keywords
GNSS interference, GNSS signal, Interference effects, Interference mitigation, Measurement equipment, Research institute, Signal Measurement, Signal Propagation, Signal generation, Spoofing interference, Standard platform