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Conference Paper Concatenated Wireless Roaming Security Association and Authentication Protocol using ID-Based Cryptography
Cited 6 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Byung-Gil Lee, Hyun-Gon Kim, Sung-Won Sohn, Kil-Houm Park
Issue Date
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2003, pp.1507-1511
Conference Paper
The Mobile IP application of AAA (Diameter protocol) provides authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services in a wireless roaming internet service. As such, the current paper proposes the application of identity-based cryptography to Mobile IP with AAA authentication, thereby facilitating the introduction of public key cryptography through allowing a Mobile IP entity's public key to be derived from an arbitrary identification value, such as an e-mail styled NAI(Network Access Identity). The Diameter Security Association(DSA) provides a PKI-based universal and secure channel, which is used for identity(ID)-based key delivery between the AAA server of the visited and home ISP network. Therefore, the proposed method combines the use of the DSA with an identity(ID)-based cryptographic security association (ISA). Consequently, the proposed concatenated security association of the DSA for an inter-ISP trust chain and an ISA for Mobile IP user authentication can alleviate the problem of ID-based private distibution for visited network entities and greatly reduce the need for and reliance on public key certificates for mobile nodes. Furthermore, the proposed protocol can also establish a security association among all Mobile IP related nodes and AAA related nodes.
KSP Keywords
AAA server, Cryptographic Security, Diameter protocol, E-Mail, ID-based cryptography, Identity-based cryptography, Inter-ISP, Internet service, Mobile IP(MIP), Mobile node(MN), PKI-based