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Conference Paper New correlation algorithm between FAC and OATS/SAC
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Jong Hwa Kwon, H.H. Park, Hyung Do Choi
Issue Date
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 2003, pp.70-73
Conference Paper
This work proposes the new correlation algorithm between the fully anechoic chamber (FAC) and the test facilities with ground plane such as open area test site (OATS), semi-anechoic chamber (SAC), etc. in order to use the FAC as an alternative test facility. The approach is to model the EUT as an equivalent set of multipoles. Assuming the EUT is electrically small, only the initial multipole moments, the electric and magnetic dipole terms, need be retained. A sequence of FAC measurements is then used to determine the equivalent EUT dipole moments and relative phases. The dipole model then allows one to simulate the radiated emission from EUT over a ground screen. Thus, emission measurements over an OATS as called for by various standards may be simulated. Such equivalent dipole modeling of an unknown source object has previously been successfully developed for the single/double port TEM waveguide. This work reviews the basics of the multipole model as it relates to FAC, details various measurement schemes appropriate to FAC, and presents the results of measurements at both FAC and SAC in order to verify the proposed correlation algorithm.
KSP Keywords
Alternative test, Area test, Correlation algorithm, Dipole model, Dipole moment, Electrically small, Magnetic Dipole, Multipole moments, Radiated Emission, Relative phase, TEM waveguide