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Conference Paper Certificate Validation Service using XKMS for Computational Grid
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Namje Park, Kiyoung Moon, Sungwon Sohn
Issue Date
ACM Workshop on XML Security (XMLSEC) 2003, pp.112-120
Conference Paper
Project Code
03MK1500, Study for Standardization of XML Security Technology, Moon Ki Young
A computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure capable of providing dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational resource. There are many ways to access the resources of a computational grid, each with unique security requirements and implications for both the resource user and the resource provider. Current Grid security Infrastructure using PKI based on SSO. But open grid service Security Infrastructure in Global Grid Forum(GGF) will extend use of grid system or services up to business area using XML web services security technology. This paper describes a novel security approach on open grid service to validate certificate based on current globus toolkit environment using XKMS(XML Key Management Specification) and SAML(Security Assertion Markup Language), XACML(extensible Access Control Markup Language) in XML security.
KSP Keywords
Certificate validation, Computational grids, EXtensible access control markup language, Global Grid, Globus Toolkit, Grid security infrastructure(GSI), Grid service, Grid system, Key management, Security assertion markup language(SAML), Security requirements