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연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 Mobile Device Penetration Testing Framework and Platform for the Mobile Device Security Course
Cited 6 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Suyash Jadhav, Tae Oh, 김영호, 김정녀
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2015, pp.675-680
15MS3600, 모바일 단말의 비인가 접근 차단 및 안전한 운영환경 보장을 위한 EAL 4급 군사용 융합 보안 솔루션 개발, 김정녀
The authors have developing mobile device evaluation and testing platform to evaluate the mobile malware. Using the platform, the authors have created several courses in mobile device security. One of the important requirements is to provide students with a safe and sandboxed environment for malware analysis. Other features include tool enhanced lab environment, updated malware repository, log collection and exact assistance. Java based client-server application have been created to serve these requirements. Also a framework to perform mobile malware analysis and mobile penetration testing is proposed and implemented under this research work. Paper focuses on analysing requirements for such coursework to perform mobile malware analysis and mobile application penetration testing. Paper also gives details about the tools created and framework implemented to successfully teach Advanced Mobile Device Security course and perform interactive lab exercises.
KSP 제안 키워드
Client-Server Application, Log collection, Mobile Application(APP), Mobile Penetration Testing, Mobile device security, Mobile malware, Testing Framework, Testing platform, device evaluation, lab environment, malware analysis