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학술대회 Short N-secure fingerprinting code for image
Cited 10 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
김원겸, 서영호
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2004, pp.2167-2170
04MC1200, 지능형 웹스파이더를 이용한 불법 복제 콘텐츠 추적기술, 서영호
Fingerprinting is one of many copyright protection methods and an extended technique of watermarking. In fingerprinting the identity of customer is embedded into the content in a way that is difficult to erase. The main difference between watermarking and fingerprinting is that different copies for each customer can be produced. Attackers compare several fingerprinting copies and find the location of the embedded information and destroy it by altering the values in those places where a difference was detected. In this paper, we propose a short fingerprinting code which is robust to the collusion attack of N customers. In the proposed fingerprinting scheme, two kinds of code are used. The first code has the same value for all customers and is embedded at the same location like watermark. The second code is designed unique for each customer. We apply this scheme to the digital image and show that it has some robustness against collusion attacks. ©2004 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Copyright protection, Image fingerprinting, Protection method, collusion attacks, digital image, fingerprinting code