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Conference Paper A Technique to Make a Path Table for Blocking Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks
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JeeSook Eun, Heeyoung Jung
Issue Date
International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN) 2015, pp.13-16
Conference Paper
Project Code
15ZI1200, 고품격 미래인터넷을위한 식별자기반 네트워킹기술연구, Jung Heeyoung
Generally, there is a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) detection and defense mechanism in router near the victim host and packet filtering routines are initiated during the attack continues. By the way, it would be better an attack packet blocking mechanism is in router closed to the attacker for downsizing attack traffics in network. This paper presents attack route diagnosis, a technique that operates based on path table. Path table includes routes on a pair of routers identified by route identifier and a packet is delivered with route identifier. If attack is detected by victim, a router near the victim starts attack route diagnosis based on route identifier. This process blocks one attacker at router closed to attacker and which is also not dependent on the number of attacker because of parallel and independent processing. We verify a feasibility of proposed technique on Linux system implementation.
KSP Keywords
Blocking mechanism, Defense Mechanism, Detection and Defense, Distributed Denial of Service attacks, Distributed denial-of-service(DDoS), Linux system, denial of service(DoS), packet filtering, system implementation