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Conference Paper The Issue on Maintenance of Public Security for Satellite Images
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Gee Ju Chae, Seong-Ik Cho
Issue Date
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2005, pp.1572-1575
Conference Paper
In remote sensing, we need the diverse satellite images such as Landsat, SPOT, JERS, Corona, IKONOS, Quickbird, Orbview, etc. To distribute these images to necessary person and institutes, we need the method of the maintenance of public security for satellite images. For example, we can distribute the Landsat images to anyone who need these images freely without the USGS agreement and we can’t distribute the SPOT images to all persons without the agreement. Since many person want to obtain the high resolution image more and more for the diverse fields (telematics, GIS, remote sensing), the efficient management of satellite images is needed between the registered users and the unregistered users. Since SIMC (The Korea Satellite Imagery Information Management Center) has the aim to distribute the all satellite images to public domain, we need to handle the maintenance of public security for satellite images. We design the algorithm for the maintenance of public security user the many conditions. We consider the resolution, creation date, sensor, regions, etc and we make the selection algorithm for the diverse users and classify the diverse level for users under these conditions. Users who belong to same level share the same image and can obtain the appropriate the image which is appropriate to their level. Under the link for the resampling and cutting method for satellite images, we will show the system for the maintenance of public security for satellite images.
KSP Keywords
Belong to, Cutting method, Landsat images, Public Security, Public domain, Remote sensing(RS), SPOT images, Satellite imagery, high resolution image, information management, management center