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Conference Paper A DPA Countermeasure by Randomized Frobenius Decomposition
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Tae Jun Park, Mun Kyu Lee, Do Won Hong, Kyo Il Chung
Issue Date
International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA) 2005 (LNCS 3786), v.3786, pp.271-282
Conference Paper
There have been various methods to prevent DPA (Differential Power Analysis) on elliptic curve cryptosystems. As for the curves with efficient endomorphisms, Hasan suggested several countermeasures on anomalous binary curves, and Ciet, Quisquater and Sica proposed a countermeasure on GLV curves. Ciet et al.'s method is based on random decomposition of a scalar, and it is a two-dimensional generalization of Coron's method. Hasan's and Ciet et al.'s countermeasures are applied only to a small class of elliptic curves. In this paper, we enlarge the class of DPA-resistant curves by proposing a DPA countermeasure applicable to any curve where the Frobenius expansion method can be used. Our analysis shows that our countermeasure can produce a probability of collision around script O sign(2-20) with only 15.4-34.0% extra computation for scalar multiplications on various practical settings. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.