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Conference Paper Gain Degradation Effect due to Beam Misalignment on mmWave Beamforming for 5G Cellular Communication
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Wanhee Kim, JungSook Bae, Sook-Jin Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.1255-1559
Conference Paper
Project Code
15MI2500, 5G mobile communication system development based on mmWave, Tae Joong Kim
Millimeter wave technology is major candidate technology for 5G network. Because of the high path loss characteristics of the mmWave system, beamforming technique is necessary to overcome this high path loss. Beamforming technology cannot achieve perfect beam alignment and it leads to degradation of the channel gain between the transceiver. Thus, we examine a gain degradation effect due to beam misalignment on mmWave beamforming system. We generated the channel coefficients by using QuaDRiGa channel model implementation. The channel gain analysis results shows that the misalignment of the BS beam causes high channel gain degradation.
KSP Keywords
5G Network, 5G cellular, Beam misalignment, Beamforming system, Beamforming technique, Beamforming technology, Cellular Communication(GSM), Channel Coefficients, Channel Gain, Degradation effect, Gain analysis