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Conference Paper Vision Based Motion Tracking System for Interactive Entertainment Applications
Cited 4 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Jae Yong Chung, Jin Ryong Kim, Kwang Hyun Shim
Issue Date
TENCON 2005, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
Although the vision based motion recognition plays an important role in virtual reality and interactive entertainment area, it has not yet found wide usage. The first main reason is the unavailability of relatively low cost wireless tracking system that would operate well enough for inputting gestures. The second reason lies in the lack of naturalness in gesture design. That is, so far most gestures used are either static images or poses and too abstract losing its intended meaning and affordances, resulting in low usability and presence. In this paper, we propose architecture for a low cost re-configurable vision-based motion tracking system and motion recognition algorithm. The user wears one or more retro-reflective markers for achieving more exact tracking performance and make predefined motion gestures. Through object segmentation processing, 3D positions of the objects are computed. And then, a motion gesture corresponding on these 3D position trajectories is found by a simple correlation-based matching algorithm. Also, we demonstrate this system by applying it to virtual environment navigation and interactive entertainments.
KSP Keywords
Correlation-based, Gesture design, Interactive entertainment, Low-cost, Motion Recognition, Object segmentation, Re-configurable, Recognition algorithm, Retro-reflective, Tracking Performance, Virtual Reality(VR)