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Journal Article Analyzing the Economic Effect of Mobile Network Sharing in Korea
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Young-Keun Song, Hangjung Zo, Sungjoo Lee
Issue Date
ETRI Journal, v.34, no.3, pp.308-318
한국전자통신연구원 (ETRI)
Journal Article
Project Code
12VI1100, Development of B4G Mobile Communication Technologies for Smart Mobile Services, Park Nam Hoon
As mobile markets in most developed countries are rapidly coming close to saturation, it is increasingly challenging to cover the cost of providing the network, as revenues are not growing. This has driven mobile operators, thus far mostly involved in facility-based competition, to turn their attention to network sharing. There exist various types of mobile network sharing (MNS), from passive to active sharing. In this paper, we propose a model, based on the supply-demand model, for evaluating the economic effects of using six types of MNS. Our study measures the economic effects of employing these six types of MNS, using actual WiBro-related data. Considering lower service price and expenditure reduction, the total economic effect from a year's worth of MNS use is estimated to be between 513 million and 689 million USD, which is equal to three to four percent of the annual revenue of Korean mobile operators. The results of this study will be used to support the establishment of a MNS policy in Korea. In addition, the results can be used as a basic model for developing various network sharing models. © 2012 ETRI.
KSP Keywords
Active sharing, Demand model, Developed Countries, Mobile markets, Mobile network sharing, Supply and demand, basic model, economic effects, mobile operators