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Conference Paper Design and Implementation of Crypto Co-processor and Its Application to Security Systems
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Ho Won Kim, Mun Kyu Lee, Dong Kyue Kim, Sang Kyoon Chung, Kyo Il Chung
Issue Date
International Conference on Computational and Information Science (CIS) 2005 (LNCS 3802), v.3802, pp.1104-1109
Conference Paper
In this paper, we will present the design and implementation of the crypto coprocessors which can be used for providing the RFID security. By analyzing the power consumption characteristics of our crypto coprocessors, we can see which crypto algorithms can be used for highly resource constrained applications such as RFID. To provide the security mechanism such as integrity and authentication between the RFID tag and the RFID reader, crypto algorithm or security protocol should be implemented at the RFID tag and reader. Moreover, the security mechanism in the RFID tag should be implemented with low power consumption because the resources of RFID tag are highly constrained, that is, the RFID tag has low computing capability and the security mechanism which operates in the RFID tag should be low power consumed. After investigating the power consumption characteristics of our designed crypto processors, we will conclude which crypto algorithm is suitable for providing the security of RFID systems. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
KSP Keywords
Crypto Processor, Crypto algorithm, RFID Tag, RFID reader, RFID security, RFID system, Resource-constrained, co-processor, design and implementation, low power consumption, security mechanism