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Conference Paper Analog Characteristics of 40 GHz Traveling Wave Electroabsorption Modulators
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Yong Duck Chung, Young Shik Kang, Kwang Seong Choi, Jong Hyun Lee, Sung Bock Kim, Je Ha Kim
Issue Date
Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Microwave and Millimeterwave Photonics (KJMMWP) 2005, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
We present analog characteristics of a narrow band electroabsorption modulator module for the fiber-optic millimeter (mm)-wave radio link. The module was composed of an ultra-wide band traveling wave electroabsorption modulator chip, a RF matching circuit and a proper termination. The impedance matching of the module at 40 GHz was obtained with the microstrip line RF matching circuit and followed by the laser trimming process. Thus, we obtained minimum electrical S11 at 40 GHz and its fractional bandwidth of more than 3 GHz at -10 dB. The module showed the enhanced electrical to optical (E/O) response around 40 GHz. Analog characteristics of narrow band modules will be presented.
KSP Keywords
Fiber optic, Fractional Bandwidth(FBW), Microstrip Line, Millimeter (mm)-wave, Narrow band, Traveling wave, Ultra-Wide Band(UWB), analog characteristics, electroabsorption modulator(EAM), impedance matching, laser trimming