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Conference Paper Mobile Tracking Using Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making
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Soo Chang Kim, Jong Chan Lee, Yeon Seung Shin, Kyoung Rok Cho
Issue Date
International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN) 2005 (LNCS 3794), v.3794, pp.1051-1058
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MM1100, Research on 4G Mobile Communications Technology, Hwang Seung Ku
In the microcell- or picocell-based system the frequent movements of the mobile bring about excessive traffics into the networks. A mobile location estimation mechanism can facilitate both efficient resource allocation and better QoS provisioning through handoff optimization. In this study, we propose a novel mobile tracking method based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), in which uncertain parameters such as PSS (Pilot Signal Strength), the distance between the mobile and the base station, the moving direction, and the previous location are used in the decision process using the aggregation function in fuzzy set theory. Through numerical results, we show that our proposed mobile tracking method provides a better performance than the conventional method using the received signal strength. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
KSP Keywords
Aggregation function, Conventional methods, Efficient resource allocation, Fuzzy multi-criteria decision making(FMCDM), Location Estimation, Mobile Tracking, Mobile location, Moving direction, Numerical results, Pilot signal, QoS Provisioning