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Conference Paper An Agent-based Context-Aware System on Handheld Computers
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Hyung Jik Lee, Ji Eun Park, Eun Jung Ko, Jeun Woo Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2006, pp.229-230
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MH2100, Development of Warable System Using Physiological Signal Processing, Jeun Woo Lee
Context-aware system must adapt to changing contexts in dynamic environments, and it consists of a number of related subsystems, and each subsystem works together to achieve the functionalities of its parent systems. So, it is necessary to modularize the subsystems and it must be scalable and flexible infrastructure for the delivery, management and deployment of application to individuals. An agent-based approach through the OSGi service platform for context-aware systems leads to the development of more powerful abstraction mechanisms. This paper describes the overall architecture of an agent-based context-aware system, and that system can generate and provide high-level contexts to the applications and services. For the service interoperability, we use OSGi-based service platform. Using these agent modules and OSGi service platform that can act autonomously and interact in flexible ways, so we can utilize the context-awareness and modularization of complex context-aware system. ©2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Based Approach, Context aware system, Context awareness, Dynamic Environment, Handheld computers, agent-based, service platform