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학술대회 Secure Discovery Method of Devices for a Home Network Middleware
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김도우, 김건우, 이준호, 한종욱
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1733-1735
06MK2600, 디바이스 인증 기반의 유비쿼터스 홈네트워크 보안 기술개발, 한종욱
With a home network, a device can dynamically join a home network, obtain an IP address, convey its capabilities, and learn about the presence and capabilities of other devices. Devices can subsequently communicate with each other directly. Device discovery protocol defines how network services can be discovered on the network. In this paper, we propose the secure discovery method of devices that uses mutual authentication with symmetric key between devices. This method that we present distributes symmetric-key to home network devices by the key distribution server. Using this key, mutual authentication is performed between home appliances. It enables any appliance under any middleware's control to securely communicate any other appliances.
KSP 제안 키워드
Device Discovery, Discovery method, Home Network, IP address, Network Middleware, Network devices, Network service, home appliances, key distribution, mutual authentication, symmetric key