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Conference Paper Conversation Preference Profile for Mobile Web Service
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Kang Chan Lee, Won Suk Lee, Jong Hong Jeon, Seung Yun Lee, Jong Hun Park
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1742-1744
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MV1800, A Study on Standardization for Ubiquitous Web Services, Lee Seung Yun
Recently web services choreography working group of W3C has published the working draft on WS-CDL (Web Services Choreography Description Language) version 1.0 which defines reusable common rules to govern the ordering of exchanged messages between web services participants. This paper considers a computing environment where mobile clients are interacting with web service providers based on a WSCDL specification. In order to effectively cope with the user and device mobility of such an environment, in this paper we present an ongoing work to develop a framework through which a mobile client can specify its preference on how conversation should take place. The proposed framework provides a flexible means for mobile clients to minimize the number of message exchanges while allowing them to adhere to the required choreography.
KSP Keywords
Computing environment, Description language, Exchanged Messages, Mobile Web Services, Mobile client, Preference Profile, Service Provider, WS-CDL, Web service(WS), Web services choreography, version 1