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Conference Paper Performance Analysis of Satellite Payload Antenna Design Result
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Jeom Hun Lee, J-S Choi, Jae Hoon Kim, S-P Lee, Seung Hyeub Oh
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.871-874
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MR1600, Development of Satellite Communications System for Communications, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite, Seongpal Lee
This paper analysis the performance for the design result of the satellite payload antenna, which consists of the parabolic reflector, and muti-feed horns. For the development of the satellite payload antenna design, many steps are needed: antenna geometry design, manufacturing, initial performance test, alignment and performance test, environment test, final performance test and satellite mount test. The antenna geometry design result as the first step of antenna development must be accurate as well as be proposed with the allowable error value to be arisen during the manufacturing, transport, launch, and operation in space environment, because the re-design of antenna electrical design may be difficult during development. Therefore, the design should be verified at electrical design step. This paper describes the verification method of design result and the allowable error during manufacturing, which is restricted by the design.
KSP Keywords
AND operation, Antenna Development, Antenna design, Electrical design, Feed horn, Performance Test, Performance analysis, Re-design, Space environment, design step, geometry design