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Conference Paper Critical Design of the Ka-Band On-board Switching Transponder for Communication, Oceanographic, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS)
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Yong Min Lee, Seong Pal Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1681-1685
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MR1600, Development of Satellite Communications Systems for Communications, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite, Seongpal Lee
This paper discusses the detail design of Ka-band on-board switching transponder that ETRI has applied the development of a new communication payload system for Communication, Oceanographic, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS). The Satellite Communication (SATCOM) system which to be designed to acquire the communication mission of COMS consists of Communication Payload, Satellite Ground Control System, and Experimental Test Earth Station, This paper focuses on the technology development being performed for the space segment of SATCOM system at the ETRI, principally related to the COMS project. For critical design of Ka-band transponder subsystem, the trade-off design has been performed with emphasis on the improving performances and optimizing the payload system. In this paper, introduction of SATCOM system and major RF performances analysis will be mainly presented.
KSP Keywords
Critical Design, Detail design, Earth station, Experimental test, Ground Control System, Ka-band transponder, Off design, Performances analysis, Trade-off, meteorological satellite, on-board switching