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Conference Paper The Framework for Mobility and Multihoming Using Overlay Network
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Tae Wan You, Seung Yun Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1803-1806
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MV1900, Study of Next Generation Network Technology Standardization for IPv6 based Mobility Support, Lee Hyeong Ho
The Next generation network may describe one integrated network by IP (Internet Protocol) convergence and combining various access technologies. The IP version 6 (IPv6) becomes fundamental protocol and the terminal offered various services is having mobility, multihoming, and intelligent as well as smaller. In this environment, the end node should be required ubiquitous computing and networking. That is to say that we must guarantee the end node in any time, any place, any where, and offer continuously services to the node. Therefore, terminals that are linked to the future network can be offered service mobility. This paper was proposed the service mobility framework to support continuously specific service using overlay network as logical network that is constructed in application layer. For service mobility, basically the framework has to support several motilities and multihomoing.
KSP Keywords
Internet protocol(IP), Next generation networks(NGN), Service Mobility, application layer, future networks, integrated network, overlay network, ubiquitous computing