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Conference Paper A Study for Providing Personal Contents using Open API Platform
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Hyun Woo Oh, Kee Seong Cho
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1690-1693
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MT1200, Development of Open API and Service Platform Technologies, Lee Byung Sun
In this paper, we propose a system and a method for providing contents using an open application program interface (API) by particularly to a system for providing contents that discloses the network resources to each user so that he/she can provide application services adequate to personal taste, the purpose of contents providing service. According to a system and method for providing contents using an Open API according to this paper, by adding and reediting communication capability components to the contents that are provided to create mega-contents and registering the communication capability components as a portal service, a contents provider can provide a personal contents service suitable to the taste and specialty of each individual, company and organization and the purpose of providing service. Furthermore, by using an Open API, network resources may be safely disclosed to a third party independently of the network's feature and protocol, and by using the communication functions, communication functions with another party may be provided.
KSP Keywords
API platform, Application Program Interface(API), Network resources, Open API, Third party, application services