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Conference Paper An Efficient Mechanism for Multicast Deployment in IPv6
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Min Kyo In, Seung Yun Lee, In Dong Jang, Tae Wan You
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.2008-2011
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MV1900, Study of Next Generation Network Technology Standardization for IPv6 based Mobility Support, Lee Hyeong Ho
IPv6 multicast technology will be more and more important technology for various internet applications in the future. In order to deploy IPv6 multicast, several technical methods and protocols are needed. Generally inter-domain IPv6 multicast service can be deployed using two different architectures: either ASM with embedded-RP, or SSM. In ASM Embedded-RP is proposed to solve the several problems, but this method is a solutions quite new, and it's not clear yet how the service best can be provided. And there are also issues regarding SSM. In the IETF multicast deployment working group (mboned) is largely agreed on SSM as the way forward. In this paper, we describe technical issues and considerations to deploy IPv6 multicast.
KSP Keywords
Different Architectures, IPv6 multicast, Inter-domain, Internet applications, Multicast services, technical issues