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Conference Paper Access Control for Middleware in RFID Systems
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Tae Sung Kim, Ho Won Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1020-1022
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MK1700, Development of security technology for secure RFID/USN service, Chung Kyo Il
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is an emerging technology which brings enormous productivity benefits in applications where objects have to be identified automatically. Middleware plays a key role to deliver tag data in real time, which resides between readers and enterprise applications in RFID Systems. Therefore, the middleware should be controlled by proper authorization policy. In this paper, we propose access control policy which can be applied to RFID middleware. This policy can express range of tag data to be provided, readers to be accessed, commands to request, and notification addresses to receive report from middleware.
KSP Keywords
Access Control Policies, Authorization policy, Emerging technology, Key role, Passive radio frequency identification(RFID), RFID middleware, RFID system, Radio Frequency(RF), Real-Time, enterprise applications