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Conference Paper Security Vulnerability and Considerations in Mobile RFID Environment
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Ju Han Kim, Ho Won Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.801-804
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MK2200, Development of security technology for secure RFID/USN service, Chung Kyo Il
In this paper, we present some cases which raise security vulnerability in the forthcoming mobile RFID environment and discuss some security considerations to prevent such cases. We also describe other security requirements related with authentication of the EPC tags through the mobile RFID devices. The mobile RFID environment means that mobile RFID devices like mobile (cellular) phone and PDA employing cellular network can be used at querying information of the consumer product related an EPC tag. In particular, the mobile RFID devices in this paper have a mobile RFID reader which is compliant with EPC Class-1 Generation-2 UHF (860-960 MHz) standard.
KSP Keywords
Cellular networks, Consumer products, RFID reader, Security considerations, Security requirements, Security vulnerabilities, mobile RFID