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Journal Article An Implementation of FTTH based Home Gateway Supporting Various Services
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Wan Ki Park, Sung Il Nam, Chang Sic Choi, Youn Kwae Jeong, Kwang Roh Park
Issue Date
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.52, no.1, pp.110-115
Journal Article
Project Code
05MH2300, A Development of Open Home Network Framework Technologies, Park Kwang Roh
Home Gateway(HG), or called residential gateway(RG), is a device that connects an access network, WAN(Wide Area Network), to a home network(private network, generally). FTTH(Fiber To The Home) based HG is an HG with FTTH network as an access network interface. In this paper, we propose an implementation of FTTH based HG, specially EPON(Ethernet Passive Optical Network) based HG. With the FTTH access network inter face, the proposed HG can provide service bandwidth of 100Mbps to 1Gbps to each subscriber. The network bandwidth is enough to provide various home network services for each one. We propose the novel home gateway's architecture to provide various services efficiently and show its implementation. The use of VLAN(Virtu al Local Area Network) scheme to isolate two network domains, WAN of public network and LAN of private home network, within single L2 Ethernet switch and the direct packet forwarding scheme without L3 processing for some specific packet are key idea for the HG supporting various services proposed in this paper. To manage the direct forwarding table, we use the information acquired from IGMP snooping function of the L2 Ethernet switch. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Ethernet Passive Optical Network, Ethernet switch, Forwarding scheme, Home Network, Home gateway, IGMP snooping, Local Area Network(LAN), Network bandwidth, Network service, Packet Forwarding, Residential gateway