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Conference Paper Efficient offering Service Creation Experience Environment for Open Service
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Seung Hwa Chung, Sang Ki lKim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1395-1399
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MT1200, Developmet of Open API and Service Platform Technologies, Lee Byung Sun
Today, developers can create new services by simple mouse clicks on the tools. This shows SCE is becoming smart that means more automatic and requires less human interaction. IT developers who may not have the specific knowledge of telecommunication network can create open services. For that, the scope of SCE is becoming wider. These days, SCE required more than just simplifying and fast service creation. SCE needs to explain explicitly how to be used and make developers to understand well the outcome. This paper will show the efficient offering methods of open service creation experience environment.
KSP Keywords
Service creation, Telecommunication Network, human interaction, mouse clicks, open service