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Conference Paper Design and Performance Analysis of HomePNA 2.0 Transceiver Chip Circuit
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Jong Won Kim, Jae Doo Huh, Dae Young Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1702-1705
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MH2500, Development of HD Level Interactive Multimedia Service Technology over Wireless Home Network, Kim Chae Kyu
In this paper, we present the architecture of Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (HomePNA) 2.0 transceiver chip circuit which can establish a home network using existing in-home phone line, and it provides a data rate of 4 - 32 Mbps. We evaluate the performance of HomePNA 2.0 transceiver chip by running a simulation to study Mean Squared Error (MSE), eye diagram and constellation. By analyzing the results of each simulation, we also analyze the performance of HomePNA 2.0 transceiver chip in a comprehensive manner.
KSP Keywords
Eye Diagram, Home Network, Performance analysis, Transceiver chip, chip circuit, data rate, mean square error(MSE)