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Conference Paper A Method for Preventing the Leakage of the Personal Information on the Internet
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Dae Seon Choi, Seung Hun Jin, Hyun Soo Yoon
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1195-1198
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MK1900, Development of Universal Security Service Platform Technology for Protecting e-identity, Jin Seung Hun
In this paper, we propose a method for preventing the personal information leakage that is considered as a severe problem. The main ways of the personal information leakage are is the leakage of the personal information registered in web site, the Internet Phishing, the spyware. In our method, all the network packet that is sent to the outer entity from the user pc are monitored if they contains any personal information. If a transfer of personal information is sensed, a decision about safety of the transfer is made based on the type of information, trustworthiness of the destination under a control policy. If the decision result is not safe, the packet is dismissed. We present a model for controlling personal information transfer and a system architecture for implementing this model. An analysis is presented to show the effect of the proposed method.
KSP Keywords
Control policy, Information Leakage, Information transfer, Internet phishing, Personal information, System architecture, Type of information, Web sites, network packets