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학술지 Identifying Factors Affecting Behavioral Intent of Potential and Existing N-Screen Service Users
Cited 5 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
권보람, 류성한, 김영걸
ETRI Journal, v.37 no.2, pp.417-427
한국전자통신연구원 (ETRI)
15ZE2100, 글로벌 ICT 선도를 위한 R&D 기획역량 제고, 안춘모
With recent advances in media technology, the creation of a relatively new service, N-screen, has been realized. N-screen provides seamless connections among various media and enables users to enjoy entertainment content at any time and any location. With such recent advances comes opportunity; therefore, for those N-screen service providers who have established an early edge in the ICT industry, it is imperative that they maintain this and stay ahead of the ensuing competition. In this context, the objective of this study is two-fold; first, we aim to find factors influencing the behavior of existing and potential N-screen service users, and then second, to examine the differences in how these factors operate within the two user types. The results of this study show that the perceived value and subjective norm are important influencers in both user types. However, price fairness and innovativeness are only influential on the attitude and intention of potential users, while some aspects of media usage have only significant influences on the behavior and loyalty of existing users. Based on these results, we provide some implications for both researchers and practitioners who wish to better understand the nature of N-screen users.
KSP 제안 키워드
ICT Industry, Media Technology, Media usage, N-Screen, Perceived value, Potential Users, Service Provider, Service users, Subjective norm, User Types