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Conference Paper Preliminary Design for Satellite Mission Operation from Mission Request to Command Planning
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In Jun Kim, Soo Jeon Lee, Won Chan Jung, Jae Hoon Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.351-356
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MR1600, Development of Satellite Communications System for Communications, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite, Seongpal Lee
Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite(COMS) is a geostationary satellite system which performs multi-mission such as communications services, ocean data acquisition, and meteorological data acquisition. Each mission is operated by different users, but it is the COMS satellite ground control system(SGCS) that practically controls all missions at an end. Therefore, all requests for performing the COMS mission have to be collected into COMS SGCS, and then the gathered mission requests shall be converted into the command to be transmitted to satellite after scheduling the requested mission in an optimal schedule. This paper introduces mission planning system and process which gathers mission requests, performs interactive mission scheduling, and generates command plan in order to carry out the various satellite missions of the COMS. First of all, we will see the system configuration and developing environment for mission planning. This paper will describe the main functions such as mission request gathering, mission scheduling, mission timeline reporting, and command planning. It deals with the role and design of each function in detail, and finally represents the operation concept to have the operator perform the mission planning efficiently when the COMS will be on orbit later on.
KSP Keywords
Carry out, Data Acquisition(DAQ), Geostationary satellite, Ground Control System, Meteorological data, Mission planning system, Mission scheduling, Multi-mission, Planning system(CPPS), meteorological satellite, optimal schedule