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Conference Paper Performance Evaluation of Software Streaming Server Architecture for Massive Users
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Sung Joo Kang, Kyong I Ku, Jeong Min Shim, Sung Jin Hur, Sang Hyun Ju, Wan Choi
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1736-1741
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MH1300, A Development of Open Software Based On-Demand Officeware Deployment Technologies, Choi Wan
In this paper, we propose the streaming server architecture for massive users and verify it by a small scale simulation with virtual users. Software streaming is one of the ASP solution that allows the execution of stream-enabled software, even while the transmission of the program may still be in progress. In this paper, we analyze workload characteristics of the software stream, and extract four requirements that software streaming system have to satisfy. Based on these requirements, we design the software streaming server architecture. The verification of the designed server is performed by virtual user simulation. The result tells us the capacity of each server and helps us to calculate the scale of the system for massive users.
KSP Keywords
Performance evaluation, Small-scale, Streaming system, User simulation, Virtual user, Workload Characteristics