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Conference Paper GAS2: Context Awareness Service System based on Wireless Sensor Networks
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Il Gon Park, Hee Seok Choi, Kee Young Shin, Jin Won Kim, Seung Min Park
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1231-1234
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MD2400, Development of Sensor Tag and Sensor Node Technologies for RFID/USN, Cheol Sig Pyo
In recent years, the appearance of ubiquitous computing provides a fair opportunity to access diverse information and service at anyplace, anytime for users. Furthermore, those services need system architecture and context-aware and, furthermore, location-aware technologies are essential. In this paper, we suggest that a system architecture (CAS2) for handling context information based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that can provide diverse and convenient services to user with only minimum actions by collecting context information of the user in real-time. CAS2 also provides optimized services to each user based on the context information.
KSP Keywords
Context Information, Context awareness, Location-aware, Real-Time, Service System, Static wireless sensor networks(WSNs), System architecture, User based, ubiquitous computing, wireless sensor network (wsn)