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학술대회 A Developing of Signature-based Network Security Tester for NGSS
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정연서, 전준삼, 유종호, 서동일
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1543-1546
This paper presents the testing tool that automatically generates attack traffic. Existing test equipments for Network security systems are very expensive and difficult to use. We have designed and implemented NST(Network Security Tester) that generate attack traffic using the signature of the snort network-based intrusion detection system. A set of attack packets is created from the database according to the pre-designed test scenario then transmitted to a target system. The proposed system shows useful features such as an attack information database, a scenario writing, a tcp session attack and high parsing success rate.
KSP 제안 키워드
Intrusion detection system(IDS), Network-based intrusion detection system, Signature-based, Success rate, Test Equipment, network security, security system, testing tool