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Conference Paper An Approach about Implementation and Use of One-Stop Healthcare Service System Using RFID Technology
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Sunl Jin Kim, Nae Su Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.339-344
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MD1300, Infrastructure Estabilishment of RFID/USN Technologies, Nae-Soo Kim
We propose an approach to implement and use one-stop healthcare service system using RFID technology in the Korean market. In this system, the one-stop healthcare services are served smoothly from registration to examination, treatment, prescription, and next reservation. Necessary information is provided to patients and hospital staff anytime and anywhere by recording and processing medical data produced in each step. To provide successfully these services, the system configuration, the provision method, the value chain, the roles and benefits of each player in a value chain are stated. The results of simple survey show that more than half respondents have the intention of use and effects of services are mostly high. However, much more still remains to be solved technologically, economically and socially.
KSP Keywords
Healthcare Services, RFID technology, Service System, Value chain, medical data, system configuration