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Conference Paper Context-Aware Services Platform Supporting Mobile Agents For Ubiquitous Home Network
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Jung Rae Kim, Jae Doo Huh
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.136-139
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MH2500, Development of HD Level Interactive Multimedia Service Technology over Wireless Home Network, Kim Chae Kyu
A context-aware services platform supporting mobile agents consists of sensor nodes and a sensor coordinator. Sensor nodes collect environmental information and transmit the collected information to the sensor coordinator through wireless sensor networks. The sensor coordinator passes the information to the context-aware service module, and the mobile agent. The context-aware service module or the mobile agent performs services suitable for a user's situation based on the environmental information and a service actuation message is delivered to an actuation node through the sensor coordinator. In this paper, we present a context-aware services platform structure employed in our project, and describe context-aware services platform interfaces with a context-aware service module and mobile agents.
KSP Keywords
Context-aware service, Environmental information, Home Network, Mobile Agents, Platform structure, Sensor node, Services Platform, Static wireless sensor networks(WSNs)