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Conference Paper A Path Control Architecture for Receiving Various Multimedia Contents
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Seong Yong Lim, Joo Myoung Seok, Han Kyu Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1604-1607
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MR1100, Development of Super-intelligent Multimedia Anytime-anywhere Realistic TV(SmarTV) Technology, Chieteuk Ahn
In converged network environment, demands for streaming video and audio over the internet gains more and more popularity. Previous researches on real-time transmission are based on software IP protocol stacks and RTP protocol. The main contribution of this paper are: 1) a multimedia receiver architecture with hardware-base packet header process for broadcasting or multicasting media; 2) detail path sequence and algorithm of packet process: IP and TS packet header process, selection and separation of control and data messages; 3) a simulation model for measuring packet latency.
KSP Keywords
Control architecture, Converged network, Multimedia contents, Packet latency, Protocol stack, Real-time transmission, Receiver architecture, Simulation Model, Streaming video, network environment, packet header