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Conference Paper Implementation of VPN Router Hardware Platform using Netwvor Processor
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Sang Woo Lee, Yong Sung Jeon, Ki Young Kim, Jong Soo Jang
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.670-674
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MK1100, The Development of the High Performance Network Security System, Sohn Sung Won
With the Internet explosion, the data rate that a networking device needs to support has increased dramatically. A common data rate requirement for routers today is 10 Gigabits per second or higher. Also, the networking device requires the flexibility to perform packet forwarding and other complex functions such as firewall and Quality of Service. The router with a network processor can be a solution for these requirements. IPsec provides a standard, robust and extensible mechanism in which to provide security to IP and upperlayer protocols. We can protect packets between hosts, between network security gateways (e.g., routers or firewalls), or between hosts and network security gateways using IPsec. This paper presents an implementation of a VPN router hardware platform using IXP2800 which is Intel's network processor and Nitrox-II which is Cavium Networks' security processor. We described the hardware architecture of the implemented hardware platform and the software implementation to boot and manage the system. Also, we implemented IPv4 packet forwarding application which runs on the IXP2800. The architecture of the packet forwarding application is included in this paper.
KSP Keywords
Common data, Complex functions, Hardware Architecture, Hardware platform, Networking device, Packet Forwarding, data rate, network processor, network security, quality of service(QoS), software implementation