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Conference Paper An Efficient Method of Personalized Broadcasting on the Interactive Broadcast Network
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Joo Myoung Seok, Seong Yong Lim, Hee Kyung Lee, Han Kyu Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1931-1934
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MR1100, Development of Super-intelligent Multimedia Anytime-anywhere Realistic TV(SmarTV) Technology, Chieteuk Ahn
Increased interactivity is a general tendency for telecommunication services today, an aspect which is also reflected in the more traditional distribution services like television. Nowadays, interactive data broadcast services have unrelated with program such as T-commerce, related with TV program such as poll services, betting and so on. According to successfully launch interactive data broadcast services, many kinds and complex of contents are occurred more and more. But, broadcasting has been handicapped by the limited capacity of analog delivery and one-way delivery. Users need various and high quality contents and applications more and more. Legacy data broadcasting delivery has services delay because of repetition delivery of object carousel in server side and end terminal's performance and broadcasting bandwidth capacities according to content size. For solving these problems, we suggest making layered data contents such as root layered content and leaf layered contents for effective delivery and adaptive to end-terminal environment in supporting synchronizing service. And when contents are made by content creators, programmers, designer and service providers have to create contents and services considering as content re-utilization using proposed application or TV anytime metadata-based layered contents.
KSP Keywords
Data broadcasting, Effective delivery, Layered data, Legacy data, Limited capacity, One-Way, Personalized broadcasting, Server side, Service Provider, T-Commerce, TV program