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Conference Paper Probabilistic Approach to Model Intelligent Robot Services
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Young Cheol Go, Joo Chan Sohn, Young Jo Cho
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1221-1224
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MI1400, Development of the URC Server Framework for Proactive Robotic Services, Young-Jo Cho
This paper is for making intelligent service models and presents examples using those models. The intelligence in a robot is necessary to make a robot provide much proper services to users. To do so, a lot of things are needed: service's mechanism, service models, and so on. In this paper, we just concentrate on modeling services. There would be several ways to provide an intelligent service. Here, we use Bayesian Networks to model a service and each model represents each target situation including contextual information. Using the advantage of the Bayesian Networks, services can be served even if there's no enough data to start them and/or even if under uncertainty.
KSP Keywords
Bayesian Network(BN), Contextual information, Intelligent Robot, Probabilistic approach, Robot Service, Service Model, intelligent service